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Headteacher's welcome

Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Blackpool. I hope our school website will give our parents, carers and prospective parents an insight into the life of our wonderful school.

As a Catholic school we offer our children the opportunity to grow as young people with Christ at the centre of all we do.  We live by our school motto, "In all things, love" and this permeates throughout our school.

At Holy Family, we have a safe, happy environment in which children can strive to do their best. We listen carefully to our children and ensure that we offer them an exciting and engaging curriculum. We do our best to foster within each child a growing understanding of their faith, a desire for learning and how to make the right choices.

We actively encourage a high level of support from our parents, local and parish community. Children get on well when parents feel able to support school. At Holy family we try to achieve this by welcoming parents to school as much as possible, through Mass, class assemblies, plays and social events.

Finally, we are blessed with an extremely dedicated, hardworking staff team who give above and beyond. We  always aim to provide a safe and nuturing enviroment for your child.

I hope this website gives you a hint of what we have to offer. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you would like to book a visit.

Yours in faith,

 Mrs E Allonby


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