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Opening Times

Term Dates 2023-2024


Autumn Term 2023


School Opens                                             4th September

School closes 3.15pm                                20th October

School re-opens                                         30th October

School closes for Christmas                      21st December  1.30pm


Spring Term 2024


School re-opens                                         8th January

School closes 3.15pm                                9th February

School re-opens                                         20th  February

School closes for Easter                            27th March    1.30pm


Easter Sunday 31st March 2024


Summer Term 2024


School re-opens                                         8th April

Bank Holiday                                               6th May

School closes 3.15pm                                24th May

School re-opens                                         10th June

School closes for Summer                         19th July   1.30pm


Staff Inset Days

Friday 1st September

Friday 22nd December

Monday 19th February

Thursday 28th March

Monday 22nd July


KS2 Statutory Test Week              Monday  13th May 2024

Year 6 Residential                          22nd-26th January 2024

Term Dates 2024-25

     Autumn Term 2024 - updated 28.11.12 in line with new Trust INSET dates


School Opens                                             3rd September

School closes 3.15pm                               18th October

School re-opens                                         29th October

School closes for Christmas                      20th December 1.30pm


Spring Term 2025


School re-opens                                        6th January

School closes 3.15pm                               13th February

School re-opens                                         25th February

School closes for Easter                            9th April 1.30pm

Easter Sunday 20th April 2025


Summer Term 2025


School re-opens                                         22nd April

BANK HOLIDAY                                           5th May

School closes 3.15pm                                23rd May

School re-opens                                         9th June

School closes for Summer                         21st  July 1.30pm


Staff Inset Days

Monday 2nd September

Monday 28th October (TRUST INSET)

Friday 14th February (TRUST INSET)

Monday 24th February

Thursday 10th April

Friday 11th April

Tuesday 22nd July









KS2 Statutory Test Week              Monday 12th May 2025

Year 6 Residential                          7th – 11th July 2025

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